A Healthy Life

Yellowood can help you be your best, naturally.

Tania offers nutrition consultations, food sensitivity testing and lactation consultations (prenatal and post partum).

“Yellowood was born out of my own health crisis, I want to share my passion of nutrition with others, like you”

Tania Heinemann, RHN RNCP IBCLC
Owner, Yellowood

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Yellowood Nutrition & Breastfeeding would love your feedback!

Sarah SzymanskiSarah Szymanski
19:06 02 Mar 24
It’s true what they all say- Tania is absolutely amazing. A friend recommended her to me and I reached out prior to the birth of my first child to discuss my goals and fears around feeding and the new baby.She helped me develop a plan during the later stages of pregnancy to help set me up for success. This made me feel more at ease knowing she was just a call, text or email away. Once our first joined us we started off with a virtual visit where she gave me some tips about latching and positioning. Over the following few days we continued to home and office visits while planning out how to intervene early when I was concerned about my supply.Aside from Tania’s knowledge and expertise I really appreciated her positivity and reassurance. As a new parent, everything is new, scary and unknown; the simple “you’re doing great” when you’re having a difficult time truly helped my husband and I through our first few days
Leslie KubursiLeslie Kubursi
23:16 08 Feb 24
Tania has been an absolutely incredible partner as we navigated the challenging journey that is breastfeeding.Our daughter was having difficulty latching, and even though I'd pumped consistently since she was born, my supply was low. These issues prompted my outreach to Tania.Tania was able to immediately diagnose that our daughter had both a tongue and lip lie, despite us having been assured by three different doctors that she didn't have ties. Tania referred us to a nurse practitioner, Tara, who was able to perform the release quickly. Tania also recommended other strategies to improve latching, and I ultimately found huge success using nipple shields (which I'd never heard of before!). She also referred me to a wonderful osteopath, Jillian Bechtold, to help reduce the tension in my daughter's face and neck to improve her latching. To address my production issues, Tania was able to recommend Domperidone to increase my supply. While I still don't produce enough to exclusively breastfeed, I'm now feeding my daughter approximately 50/50 formula and breastmilk.Overall, all of these wins amount to a huge success for us, and I'm so happy I reached out for support. Aside from addressing my main concerns, Tania provided so much additional information, and I truly felt like she was in my corner the whole time. No agenda, no judgment, just unwavering support. I also loved that she has excellent relationships with other colleagues, including a nurse practitioner, pediatricians and an osteopth, so I felt like we could tackle any issue.The flexibility to have virtual or in person appointments was also great. I actually really enjoyed going in person because I really appreciated the hands on support and it was a great chance to leave my house 🤣Thank you Tania!
Jamie HastingsJamie Hastings
00:38 17 Dec 23
Tania was amazing. She always helped with more than just my initial concerns. She even invited in the OB in her office to assist with an unrelated concern. I used her services for both of my children.
Megan JefferyMegan Jeffery
02:52 15 Dec 23
My experience with Tania as a lactation consultant was unbelievable and I have her to thank for my success with breastfeeding for 16 months. Tania is kind, caring, compassionate and extremely knowledgeable. I can’t say enough great things about her and this clinic. You will be forever grateful you reached out for her support.
Mary HughesMary Hughes
14:59 18 Oct 23
Tania was my saviour and I’m so glad I found her!With her support we are successfully breastfeeding with 1 bottle (breast milk) for bedtime and have been doing this for some time now. I honestly couldn't have done it without your support and help! I am SO proud of us for getting to this from jaundice, tongue tie, low supply, tube feeding, seeing an osteopath (Tania’s recommendation & it WORKED!), bottle feeding, supplementing with formula when needed, now NO formula, & pumping 12 + times a day - now only TWO times! I've even started a freezer stashWhat a success!!Thank you so much for being the guidance & support I needed!!
Ataila HilbornAtaila Hilborn
15:48 24 Aug 23
I can’t say enough good things about Tania! She is the first health care provider that I felt took the time to listen to my concerns and validate how I was feeling. My baby had been exclusively bottle fed breastmilk from two weeks old (he is now 3 months old). I had been told by other providers that it would be too late to get him to latch but Tania got him to in just one appointment! He is now taking full feeds nursing and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without Tania!
Kailey JeffersonKailey Jefferson
22:45 08 Aug 23
I cannot say enough good things about Tania.I have had one hell of a breastfeeding journey with both my kids, and she has been there every step of the way from birth till they were both a year old. I was able to successfully breastfeed my first till 18 months and my second till a year, im still nursing my second twice a day if she let's me, but my supply is drying up. I'm so so thankful I was able to get as far as I did with both girls, and I wouldn't have been able to do it without the guidance and support from such an amazing woman.I cannot recommend Tania enough, she will make your breastfeeding journey everything you have dreamed it will be.

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Please take a moment to get in touch with me and discuss the many ways I can help you become the healthiest you can be.